
Thursday, 19 September 2013

The Things We Forget

Whenever you tell someone that you're a keen knitter, a common response is, "Oh! I tried to knit a jumper/scarf/hat/poncho* (delete as appropriate) once but I gave up. My reply is usually, "Well why did you give up?" which isn't always what they want to hear. I just don't get it; surely if you're keen enough to go and find a pattern and buy the yarn, you're keen enough to see the project through to the end? No? Just me?

Sadly, this belief has gone a bit 'pot calling the kettle black' after a recent discovery.

We're moving house. Sigh. Which means having to properly tackle the craft and knitting cupboard. BIG sigh. But, ever keen to condense and de-clutter, I set about the task with my small plastic boxes and vacuum storage bags in hand (which, incidentally, are amazing for storing yarn in small areas). As I was rummaging around behind my bags of toy stuffing, I suddenly came across a dreaded UFO. An Un-Finished Object.


Back in 2006 I started a hoodie from the Stitch 'n' Bitch Knitter's Handbook (Stoller, 2003). The idea of knitting a hoodie struck me as pretty cool and autumn was approaching fast. I went to Durham Market and over-bought yarn then started knitting with gusto. In no time, I managed to finish the back and started on the front. It was here that I can unstuck. For some reason, completely unfathomable to 2013 Suz, I couldn't work out how to knit the front pouch pocket. So I gave up. Yes, I am thoroughly embarrassed by my young self. (Blink-182 said, 'Nobody loves you when you're 23,' and I can see why if I was that much of a quitter!)

Looking at the project again, the pocket seemed so simple. All I had to do was pick up some stitches from the front and knit in a panel before knitting across all stitches to join them. Invigorated by my discovery, I managed to finish the whole project in less than a week.

Was it worth it after seven years of languishing in my craft cupboard? Definitely. And my advice to all knitters who have projects that they gave up on - ask for help, look on You Tube at tutorials, read the pattern again on a different day with a clearer head. Don't give up! Although I am in no position to judge anymore.

1 comment:

  1. I love to knit! It's my winter hobby. :) I have a couple UFO's (I LOVE that , btw) and I'm wondering if I should just pull them and start over doing something different. Good luck on NaNo! :)
